The Balance of being Cold

I have an empathetic heart. From as long as I could remember I was bending over backwards for others even if it hurt myself. As time went on, I have been able to learn to take a step back for myself. Having a squishy heart makes this hard but I have had to learn to direct my feelings away from others.

My honest and raw personality wants to help others and create this wonderful circle of kindness. I want to feel like I’m doing something to benefit others. In the past, it’s gotten myself sad, depressed, and hurt because I have trouble finding a balance.

When I would put my all into everything and I got nothing in return, I would feel wasted.

So, what did I do? My sorry excuse for a Libra (I don’t believe in horoscopes, I just find it ironic that I have a “sign of balance”) drives all the way to the other side of the cliff and turns into Queen Else herself.

Or.. ?

Maybe I go off the deep end sometimes but the truth is, I’m not a cold person. Even when I take time for myself or stand up for myself, I don’t owe anyone an explanation. And neither should you. Of course, I’m not saying its okay to be rude. But to say no, its 1000% ok. And say it firmly too.

I don’t think we should live our lives according to anybody (except God of course). In life, our paths are going to change, and a lot of us have trouble accepting that. We feel comfortable where we are. But reaching for a new opportunity is wonderful for personal growth. Even if it means leaving everything behind. Although, I don’t see it as leaving everything behind, I see it as “Hey I’m going to go over here! I’m searching out opportunities and I encourage you to do the same in your own way!”

Paths change, split, connect, and change again. I think that’s the exciting thing about life. I use to fear the unknown (and to be honest, I still do) but I see it as an adventure. And even if no one comes with me, God and I will go on this adventure together.


Minimal Mugs: A Humble Introduction.

My faithful commitment to my morning coffee has left a rather soft spot in my heart for nice mugs. Lovely, porcelain mugs. Perfect just to wrap your hands around to borrow some warm.

Sometimes I wish I could shrink myself and wrap my arms around it.

Some might say I’m already quite small enough.

The name “mugs” became a bit of a self-nickname along with silly variations such as “Muggins” and “Mother Mugs” (mother of all mugs? ha h- ok, sorry).

This January 2020, was officially my Minimalism-Anniversary! Over the past year, I’ve really taken organization and decluttering seriously. It has really allowed me to take back a bit of control that I felt I was missing in my life. It helped me unclutter a lot of stress in my life and taught me to let go of the things that weren’t benefiting me. Of course, this was no one-step process.

Something I really like about Minimalism is that there is no “cookie cutter” way to be a minimalist. You could own five shirts or thirty, there’s no specific amount of things you have to limit yourself to, to be a Minimalist. All that matters is that all of the things that you own each has a purpose that benefits you or makes you happy.

I’m no where close to a “near perfect” individual and I’m not here to tell anyone how to be a carbon copy of myself.

I’ve presented myself here to share with you my experiences and journey through minimalism, decluttering (physically and mentally), frugal habits, and the like, from the eyes of young 22-year-old (who still has so much to learn).

And if anyone wants to jump in and share their own experiences, please do! I’d love to have a nice chat.

Until next time,
