The Balance of being Cold

I have an empathetic heart. From as long as I could remember I was bending over backwards for others even if it hurt myself. As time went on, I have been able to learn to take a step back for myself. Having a squishy heart makes this hard but I have had to learn to direct my feelings away from others.

My honest and raw personality wants to help others and create this wonderful circle of kindness. I want to feel like I’m doing something to benefit others. In the past, it’s gotten myself sad, depressed, and hurt because I have trouble finding a balance.

When I would put my all into everything and I got nothing in return, I would feel wasted.

So, what did I do? My sorry excuse for a Libra (I don’t believe in horoscopes, I just find it ironic that I have a “sign of balance”) drives all the way to the other side of the cliff and turns into Queen Else herself.

Or.. ?

Maybe I go off the deep end sometimes but the truth is, I’m not a cold person. Even when I take time for myself or stand up for myself, I don’t owe anyone an explanation. And neither should you. Of course, I’m not saying its okay to be rude. But to say no, its 1000% ok. And say it firmly too.

I don’t think we should live our lives according to anybody (except God of course). In life, our paths are going to change, and a lot of us have trouble accepting that. We feel comfortable where we are. But reaching for a new opportunity is wonderful for personal growth. Even if it means leaving everything behind. Although, I don’t see it as leaving everything behind, I see it as “Hey I’m going to go over here! I’m searching out opportunities and I encourage you to do the same in your own way!”

Paths change, split, connect, and change again. I think that’s the exciting thing about life. I use to fear the unknown (and to be honest, I still do) but I see it as an adventure. And even if no one comes with me, God and I will go on this adventure together.

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